Our Testimonies The Normal Christian Church Life
We emphasize the fact that in the Christian life, we should grow normally in life, and not be content to remain spiritual infants. The divine life, like the human life, must have a normal development leading to maturity. Therefore, as seekers of the Lord, we pursue the growth in life. We desire to be a full-grown man to express the Lord. (Ephesians 4:13)
As Christians, we also live a normal human life, free from extremes and balanced in every way. We desire that our entire being, spirit, soul, and body, be maintained for the glory of God (1 Thessalonians 5:23). We seek to express the humanity of Jesus in all our relationships and bear a worthy testimony of Him in all walks of human life: at home, at school, in our neighborhoods, and where we work. To us, the Christian life cannot be separated from our daily human life.

Home Gatherings Meeting “House to House”
“We believe God’s word in Acts 2, where the church met house to house. So, we opened our home about 22 years ago, and today about 12-15 faithful young people come on Monday evenings where we mutually enjoy the Lord in hymns, His word, prayer, and shepherding one another.”
—The Speights

College FellowshipCompanions to Pursue With
“Moving out of state to Dallas for college has been the biggest change in my life. In starting a new stage of my life, I’ve been able to find a home in the church in Dallas. Whether it’s the Sunday meetings, the college campus Bible studies, or small group times in the homes, I know I’m with a group of loving Christians who love the Lord, cherish one another, and pursue the Lord together.”
—Jonathan B.

FAMILYRaising Children
“There is no greater joy on earth than to raise your family among a group of people who genuinely love the Lord and who love you with the Lord’s love in them.”
—The Walkers

OUR CHURCH LIFEHaving the Same Goal
“It’s been wonderful having a few companions who have the same goal of pursuing Christ to the uttermost! Having them around to live the Christian life together has definitely helped me a lot in my college years.”
—Tirzah Lo

Our Church Life The Church is Our Family
“We thank the Lord for giving us such community with whom to live the church life, taking care not only of our need, but primarily and firstly taking care of our God’s interest and great will on this earth. The church in Dallas is a wonderful group of lovers of Christ and have been real family to us for many years. We worship the Lord for this.”
—The Downeys

COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP Growing Up and Pursuing Christ
“I grew up in the church in Dallas. The church is not a building I go to and attend once a week, but it’s an integral part of my life and my true family. Here, I have developed and formed deep and meaningful relationships with others who love the Lord Jesus. Together we support one another in our pursuit of Him.”
—Josue A.

“Opening our home to spend quality time with new believers has been a great experience as it refreshes all, this is what the first Christians did, this is what a normal Christian life looks like according to Acts 2:46”.
—The Zarates