FAQ Questions and Responses
We welcome your questions! We may not have definitive answers for everything, but we’re here to listen and do our best to respond thoughtfully. If you have a question that’s not answered on this page or website, please leave your contact information by visiting our connect page, and we’ll be sure to respond promptly!
About Us
- How long have you been established?
The church in Dallas began in 1971 by seeking Christians. Please read our full history to see how the Lord has blessed His move to Dallas.
- What do you believe?
We hold the faith which is common to all believers (Titus 1:4; Jude 1:3). We believe the Bible is the complete divine revelation inspired by God through the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 1:21, 2 Tim. 3:16). Read more about our Faith.
- What denomination are you?
We are not part of any denomination. We seek to follow the New Testament pattern set up and ordained by God according to the principle of the New Testament revelation (Acts 8:3, 13:1, 14:23).
- What church are you affiliated with?
We are not part of any denomination. As is true of all believers in Christ, we are members of His one Body, the Church. In order to practice the oneness of the Body with all the Christians in Dallas, we meet as the church in Dallas. We are in fellowship with thousands of local churches worldwide to express the one Body of Christ.
- Who is your pastor?
While there are many who serve as shepherds and teachers among us, including the elders of the church, along with others who have the spiritual gift of shepherding and teaching (Eph. 4:11; 1 Pet. 5:1-3; Acts 20:28), all Christians have the innate capacity to contact God, worship God, be filled with God, pray to God, speak for God, and represent God (Acts 1:8; 1 Cor. 14:31; 1 Pet. 2:9; Rom. 1:9).
Getting Connected
- I’m looking for fellowship, but I’m not ready to attend a Sunday meeting yet. Can someone visit or call me?
Absolutely. Attending a Sunday meeting is not the only way to have fellowship with us. If you leave your contact information on our Connect page, we will contact you in a manner that you are comfortable with.
- What is the address and contact information for your church?
Our meeting place is located at 13093 Meandering Way Dallas, TX 75240. You can also visit our Connect page
- What can I expect when I come to a meeting?
You should expect a warm welcome and to meet some joyful Christians. We love to sing with our hearts to the Lord and to speak to one another in psalms and hymns (Eph.5:19). Our gatherings are characterized by mutuality: we encourage praise, prayer, and testimonies from one another. Our only goal is to worship the Lord in spirit and truthfulness (John 4:24).
- Is there a dress code?
We have no dress code, and we simply encourage you to be led by the Spirit in all things (Rom. 8:14).
- How does one become a member of the church?
We have no formal membership process. We believe that once you become a spiritual member of the Body of Christ by repenting and believing into Jesus Christ, you are a member of the Church (Rom. 12:5).
- Are there programs available for children and teenagers?
Yes, ministering to families, including children and teenagers, is an important part of our responsibility and stewardship. We have age-appropriate classes for children on Sundays, and young people’s meetings for teens on Saturdays.
- Do you accommodate translation for Spanish Speakers?
We welcome Spanish speakers, and have meetings together in English and Spanish, as well as meetings for Spanish speakers to fellowship together.
Getting Involved
- Are there any study groups or bible studies to foster my spiritual growth?
Besides our Lord’s day meeting, we come together in our homes (Acts 2:46) during the week to read the Bible and fellowship. Our small group meetings are at the heart of our church life and community, characterized by a vital spiritual pursuit, an intimate loving atmosphere, and a committed goal of spiritual fruit-bearing (John 15:12-17).
- Are there special services or events throughout the year?
We hold retreats, conferences, and special trainings during the year that are designed for your spiritual growth and Christian advancement.

OUR CHURCH LIFEHaving the Same Goal
It’s been wonderful having a few companions who have the same goal of pursuing Christ to the uttermost! Having them around to live the Christian life together has definitely helped me a lot in my college years.
—Tirzah Lo